Property Management and rentals in Mazatlan, MX.
Browse our catalogue of vacation rentals and area attractions, and see why Mazatlan is the perfect destination for your winter getaway. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, remember that Mazatlan homes for rent are added and updated every week, so please bookmark us and come back for a visit!
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With over 10-years of experience, OCCAN Properties is one of the most trusted property management and vacation rental companies in Mazatlan!
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Long Term Rentals
Live your dream life in Mazatlan!
Every year more and more families and individuals are making the move to Mazatlan. We have several homes and condo’s that are availbale to rent on a yearly basis. Live by the sea, take in the culture, and enjoy every day!
Casa Buena Vista is a large private home on Cerro de la Cruz in Mazatlan’s Historic Center. Enjoy the roof-top jacuzzi and take in the views of the Pacific Ocean and Olas Altas bay!
$27,000 MXN per month (plus services)
Casa Caleta is a beautifully restored art-deco duplex in the Historic Center of Mazatlan. The home is in an excellent location, close to the central market, 5 mins. to the Plaza Machado, and 10 mins. to the beach!
$25,000 MXN per month (plus services)
Portofino is one of the few buildings which sits right on the Marina Mazatlan. The building offers a shared pool and small gym, as well as a great community. Close to restaurants, grocery stores and public transportation.
$30,000 MXN per month (plus services)